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Georgia has the highest standard of proof in the nation to prove intellectual disability in a capital case. Learn why change is necessary.


By joining GACADP, you will add your voice to thousands of other concerned Georgia Catholics working to heed the Church’s call to end the use of the death penalty.

News and Action Alerts

Advocacy Action on HB123

House Bill 123 has been introduced in the Georgia House by Chairman Bill Werkheiser. This bill would create a pretrial hearing process for determining intellectual disability, and would lower the standard of proof from "beyond a reasonable doubt" to "preponderance of the evidence."

Ring Around the Capitol

In spite of constitutional protections, Georgia continues to execute people with intellectual disabilities. Join us for an advocacy day on Wednesday, February 12, at the Georgia State Capitol to call for an end to this disgraceful practice.

37 Lives Saved

Today, President Biden announced that he is commuting the sentences of 37 individuals on federal death row. Those individuals will have their sentences reclassified from execution to life without the possibility of parole.

Commute the Row

Join Catholics and people of goodwill across the country in urging President Joe Biden to commute the sentences of the 40 men on federal death row before he leaves office.


Georgia Catholics Against the Death Penalty educates Catholics on Church teaching about capital punishment and mobilizes action to eliminate its use in Georgia and around the world.  Read more.

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